SYNDATE: Creating artificial health data



SYNDATE project answers to companies need to make health data based product development. In the project we will produce synthetic but realistic health data providing a test platform that partly solves health data secondary usability problems. Due to advanced modelling technology the produced data is close to real health data in quality. This gives the possibility to make health data based solutions, like new AI-software, significantly more agile development in this heavily regulated field.

The used methods include privacy inclusive properties and provide that the produced test data meets the strict Data Protection Regulation. Synthetic data can be given to companies use without the heavy regulations of health data secondary use. Companies that use synthetic data will speed up their product development and the costs related to it. Among companies, healthcare service providers and patients will benefit from this project as it will provide more efficient treatment methods and solutions.

Turku university is co-operating this project with Turku UAS and The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland. This project is not started from scratch as there is base work done to it already regarding technical, legal and ethical questions. Project is funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and Co-funded by the European Union.

Link to project site

Source: Public summary of SYNDATE (in Finnish).
Text: Julia Rannikko